Fleurs du Mal артикул 13101c.
Fleurs du Mal артикул 13101c.

La seconde edition des "Fleurs du mal", privee des six "pieces condamnees" en correctionnelle pour immoralite, parait en 1861 Romantiques par la melancolie a l'ombre de laquelle ils s'epanouissent, parnassiens par leur culte du Beau et la rigueur de leur composition (ils sont dedies a Theophile Gautier), ces poemes illustrent ожаая la theorie des "correspondances" horizontales entre les elements visibles et invisibles, qui sont comme de "longs echos qui de loin en loin se confondent" pour s'elever en correspondances verticales "ayant l'expansion des choses infinies" Exploration du materiau grouillant qu'est la vie, cette quete spirituelle conduit le poete, tiraille entre "Spleen et Ideal", a travers diverses experiences pour echapper a la dualite dechirante L'amour, un temps envisage, est bien vite ecarte au profit de l'activite qui caracterise les "Tableaux parisiens" Mais la contemplation urbaine s'acheve sur la vision presque hallucinatoire des brouillards matinaux Viennent alors "Le Vin" et autres plaisirs artificiels, puis le vice, fleurs du mal qui n'offrent que mirage et degout Dans une ultime tentative pour echapper au spleen, le poete pousse un cri de "Revolte" blasphematoire dont les repetitions ne sont plus des echos incantatoires, mais des pietinements steriles Reste "La Mort" Автор Шарль Бодлер Charles Baudelaire Родился в Париже Отец Шарля, Франсуа Бодлер, был художником и всячески прививал сыну любовь к искусству, водил его по музеям и галереям, знакомил со своими друзьями-художниками Впрочем, образование Шарля осталось незаконченным - мальчик потерял отца в.  Pass   57.1   Bett   BettСерия: Classiques.

Господин легкого поведения артикул 13103c.
Господин легкого поведения артикул 13103c.

Глава комбината "Молочные реки" господин Кравцов после убийства своего помощника и недвусмысленного послания на воротах дома "Готовься сдохнуть!" нанимает профессионального ожабг телохранителя Евгению Охотникову Здравая мысль обратиться за помощью к детективу Кравцову, видно, в голову не приходит, а может, просто скупердяйничает Впрочем, Жене не впервой совмещать обязанности сыщика и бодигарда Также ее не смущает и временная роль заместителя генерального директора огромного предприятия Ведь только так можно вычислить преступника, знающего все ходы и выходы на "Молочных реках" Автор Марина Серова.  отде   Шуре   Your   SkagСерия: Русский бестселлер.

Эликсир от глупости артикул 13105c.
Эликсир от глупости артикул 13105c.

Уж если не везет по жизни, то это диагноз Только-только Вике удалось устроиться на приличную работу и выставить из дома мужа-бездельника, как все снова полетело вверх тормашками ожабр Оказывается, у хозяина ювелирного магазина, где девушка работала продавщицей, есть весьма неприятные знакомые - бандиты В один прекрасный день они явились к нему с пистолетом и заставили подписать завещание Выстрел Вика услышала из-под прилавка, где искала упавшее колечко А на следующий день неизвестные наведались в ее квартиру, и девушка чудом избежала гибели Кому теперь объяснишь, что она видела только ботинки нападавших? Выход один - бежать из города И когда Вика уже думала, что жизнь кончена, то встретила на перроне сногсшибательного мужчину Что ж, похоже, и хроническому невезению когда-то приходит конец Содержание Эликсир от глупости Роман c 5-298 Вся правда о реалити-шоу "Формула красоты" Главы из книги c 299-315 Автор Ирина Хрусталева.  Вятк   Unit   Семе   словСерия: Дамский смешной детектив.

Rudyard Kipling Selected Works (подарочное издание) артикул 13107c.
Rudyard Kipling Selected Works (подарочное издание) артикул 13107c.

Подарочное издание с ляссе Переплет книги украшен золотым тиснением Трехсторонний золотой обрез В книге собраны произведения Редьярда Киплинга Содержание The Jungle Book c 1-100 The ожабу Second Jungle Book c 101-206 Just So Stories for Little Children c 207-284 Puck of Pook's Hill c 285-384 Captains Courageous c 385-482 Stalky & Co c 483-602 Kim c 603-776 Иллюстрации Автор Редьярд Джозеф Киплинг Rudyard Joseph Kipling Родился в Бомбее в семье школьного учителя Няни-индианка научила маленького Редьярда говорить на хинди; от нее же он услышал индийские сказки о животных, запомнившиеся ему на всю жизнь В шесть лет его отправили в Англию получать образование В.  Mari   Stop   Yves   MexoАвторский сборник Издательство: Gramercy Books, 2008 г Кожаный переплет, 784 стр ISBN 978-0-517-23069-5 Язык: Английский Формат: 155x230.

Крокодиловы слезы артикул 13109c.
Крокодиловы слезы артикул 13109c.

Случилось страшное - в автокатастрофе погиб возлюбленный Оксаны Колпаковой, белокурый красавец - супермен Тимур Правда, он был женат, но это не мешало их счастью А ночью, после ожабю похорон, раздался звонок в дверь На пороге стоял живой, но покалеченный Тимур Он чудом спасся, выбросившись на ходу из машины Оксана счастлива, но и озадачена Кого же похоронили в закрытом гробу? Было ли это спланированным убийством и кому оно выгодно? Жене Тимура, его компаньону? Это и намерена выяснить безумно влюбленная женщина Содержание Крокодиловы слезы Роман c 5-232 Блефовать, так с музыкой Роман c 233-444 Автор Елена Яковлева.  Mois   Terr   Robe   DreaСерия: Детектив глазами женщины.

Кость в кость артикул 13111c.
Кость в кость артикул 13111c.

Удар, глухая зашита, обманное движение, удар - боксер Юрий Крупенников любит и умеет побеждать Но честных поединков становится все меньше - большие деньги превратили бокс в грязную ожавг игру, где все средства хороши Когда же вокруг ринга начинают гибнуть люди, а в руки Юрия попадает компромат на очень влиятельных людей, вот тогда для него начинается настоящий бой Наемные убийцы, продажные менты, отмороженные бандиты - все они жаждут отправить Юрия в вечный нокаут, словно забыв, что имеют дело с профессионалом, умеющим не только защищаться, но и молниеносно атаковать Автор Михаил Степанов.  Barb   Maxt   stop   CanoСерия: Бандитский роман.

Of Love and Other Demons артикул 13113c.
Of Love and Other Demons артикул 13113c.

When a witch doctor appears on the Marquis de Casalduero's doorstep prophesizing a plague of rabies in their Colombian seaport, he dismisses her claims - until he hears that his young daughter, Sierva Maria, was one of four people bitten by a rabid dog, and the only one to survive Sierva Maria appears completely unscathed - but as rumours of the plague ожави spread, the Marquis and his wife wonder at her continuing good health In a town consumed by superstition, it's not long before they, and everyone else, put her survival down to a demonic possession and begin to see her supernatural powers as the cause of the town's woes Only the young priest charged with exorcizing the evil spirit recognizes the girl's sanity, but can he convince the town that it's not her that needs healing? Формат издания: 13 см х 19,5 см Автор Габриэль Гарсиа Маркес Gabriel Garcia Marquez Родился в городе Аракатака в Колумбии Изучал юриспруденцию и журналистику в Национальном университете города Богота и в университете Картахены В 1946 году начал работать журналистом, следующие десять лет провел в разъездах по Латинской Америке и.  Nadi   Rand   Жадь   1280Издательство: Penguin Books Ltd , 2008 г Мягкая обложка, 176 стр ISBN 978-0-141-03254-2 Язык: Английский.

The Betrayal артикул 13115c.
The Betrayal артикул 13115c.

Why do so many horrifying things happen on Fear Street? Nora knows She knows how the terror began She knows about the young girl who burned at the stake - and the bloody feud between two families that caused the unspeakable horror that has lasted 300 years! She knows, and she wants to tell Are you sure you want to hear it? Формат издания: ожавл 10,5 см х 17 см Автор Роберт Стайн Robert Lawrence Stine Автор романов ужасов и триллеров Особую популярность приобрела его серия детских триллеров "Goosbumps" ("Мурашки по коже"), которые издаются в России под общим названием "Ужастики".  Iron   Lowl   Morn   RobeСерия: The Fear Street Saga.

The Law and the Lady артикул 13117c.
The Law and the Lady артикул 13117c.

Probably the first full-length novel with a woman detective as its heroine, The Law and the Lady (1875) is a fascinating example of Collins' later fiction Valeria Valerie Woodville's first act as a married woman is to sign her name incorrectly in the marriage register; this slip is followed by a gradual disclosure of secrets about her husband's earlier ожаво life, each of which leads to another set of questions and enigmas Developing many of the techniques at work in The Moonstone in bizarre and unexpected ways, and employing both Gothic and fantastic elements, The Law and the Lady adds a significant dimension to the history of the detective novel Автор Уильям Уилки Коллинз William Wilkie Collins Родился в Лондоне в семье художника Склонность к писательству проявил еще в школе Изучал юриспруденцию, в 1851 году сдал экзамен и стал адвокатом, но практикой не занимался ни дня - написал исторический роман и картину, которую впоследствии поместили.  Enco   Мвкд   Соде   AmarСерия: Oxford World's Classics.

The MBA Application Roadmap: The Essential Guide to Getting into a Top Business School артикул 13119c.
The MBA Application Roadmap: The Essential Guide to Getting into a Top Business School артикул 13119c.

Since 2001, when she launched Stacy Blackman Consulting, Stacy Blackman has helped clients gain admission to every top business school in the world Stacy has been profiled in several publications, including Fortune Magazine, BusinessWeek, and the Wall Street Journal Since his graduation from the Harvard Business School, Daniel J Brookings ожавщ has worked as a strategy consultant Since 2003, Daniel has advised scores of MBA applicants on how to create an effective personal branding strategy and craft compelling applications Now Stacy Blackman and co-author Daniel J Brookings share their MBA admissions secrets in this concise guide, featuring 56 short, easy-to-digest chapters!.  Geni   Wind   Alex   Барк2008 г Мягкая обложка, 272 стр ISBN 0912301899.

Globalizing L A : Trade, Infrastructure, and Regional Development артикул 13121c.
Globalizing L A : Trade, Infrastructure, and Regional Development артикул 13121c.

How do city-regions successfully compete in the global age? Mixing history and policy analysis, Steven Erie offers a compelling account of the improbable rise of Los Angeles, explaining how a region with no natural harbor and a metropolis situated a distant 20 miles from the coast managed to become the worlds ninth largest economy and a leading ожавю trade and transportation center In "Globalizing L A ," he argues that physical infrastructure development was a catalytic yet underappreciated factor in the transformation of L A and Southern California into a global economy, provocatively challenging the conventional wisdom that emphasizes information flows, intellectual property rights, or social capital The book also highlights the unheralded role of local political institutions and public entrepreneurs in shaping the regions development, growth, and globalization Beginning with the fierce battles over railroad and harbor development in the late nineteenth century, Erie chronicles L A s emergence as the nations leading trade center and gateway to the Pacific Rim in the twentieth century The book explores recent epic battles over port development, the expansion of LAX, the landmark Alameda Corridor rail link, and implementing NAFTA border-infrastructure projects Until the 1990s, the book argues, L A behaved much like a city-state where powerful, semi-autonomous development bureaucracies and entrepreneurial leaders provided the farsighted strategic planning that made theseinfrastructure projects possible Today, Southern California faces daunting challenges, from community and environmental resistance to new post-9/11 security concerns, which will affect its future development and global competitiveness.  Bald   Digi   Chec   разгISBN 0804746818.

Puzzles and Paradoxes in Economics артикул 13123c.
Puzzles and Paradoxes in Economics артикул 13123c.

Economics is full of puzzles and paradoxes that often frustrate and challenge everyone, including economists This engaging book includes fifty puzzles and focuses on three types of paradox First, everyday observations that appear to belie common sense (such as, why do some supermarket items sell for more per ounce in larger sizes?) Secondly, ожаге those paradoxes which have perplexed economists in the past but have since been fairly resolved (such as, the diamond-water paradox) Finally, empirical or conceptual anomalies that remain unresolved and present a challenge to today's economists (such as the voting paradox) Fifty puzzles and paradoxes are analysed in a clear framework Examples include: the fairness of market wages, the alleged gold absurdity, Giffin goods and the Irish potato famine, the paradox of thrift, the supposed perversity of Wall Street, the leisure paradox, why the best Washington apples are shipped out of state (the Alchian-Allen theorem), the question of whether teachers are underpaid, whether studying economics makes people immoral and whether war is good for the economy This original and unusual book will have a wide appeal, ranging from the lay person with an interest in everyday economic puzzles, to the student and teacher wishing to develop their understanding of some of the paradoxes that have existed and continue to exist in economics It will serve as an ideal source for teachers who want to challenge their students with unusual economic problems.  EHLP   Tatt   Svia   DaviISBN 1840640499.

The Nenets Autonomous District Путеводитель артикул 13125c.
The Nenets Autonomous District Путеводитель артикул 13125c.

Contents: "Visiting card" of the district Tourism in the region Before departure Interior transportatoin Natural conditions History of the pechora land Economy Peoples and traditions What is what Who is who Naryan-mar Kanin tundra Timan tundra Malozemelskaya tundra Nizhnepechorye Bolshezemelskaya tundra Yugorsky peninsula ожадд Vaigach Kolguyev Fishing and hunting Alphabetical index First Edition Авторы Мишель Строгов Michel Strogoff Пьер-Кристиан Броше Pierre-Christian Brochet Доминик Озиас Dominique Auzias.  RHZN   Opti   DrBr   LomoСерия: Country Guide.

Путана: Одноразовые девочки артикул 13127c.
Путана: Одноразовые девочки артикул 13127c.

Обычный порнофильм - скука А вот порнофильм, приправленный настоящей смертью его героини, - это уже ничего Производство именно таких `остреньких` фильмов приносит Даниле Кандинскому ожадо огромные деньги А где деньги, там и хищники Неведомый шантажист вымогает у него огромную сумму Даниле, разумеется, платить не хочется, и он `перебрасывает` долг начальнику службы собственной безопасности Михаилу Лаврентьеву: прошляпил вымогателя - плати Вычислить шантажиста берется подруга Лаврентьева - Кристина Она хоть и путана, но девушка боевая Автор Михаил Серегин.  Rola   Сысо   Serg   HistИздательство: Эксмо-Пресс Твердый переплет, 352 стр ISBN 5-04-009851-0 Тираж: 6000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

Competition in Telecommunications артикул 13129c.
Competition in Telecommunications артикул 13129c.

In Competition in Telecommunications, Jean-Jacques Laffont and Jean Tirole analyze regulatory reform and the emergence of competition in network industries using the state-of-the-art theoretical tools of industrial organization, political economy,and the economics of incentives The book opens with background information for the reader ожаду who is unfamiliar with current issues in the telecommunications industry The following sections focus on four central aspects of the recent deregulatory movement: the introduction of incentive regulation; one-way access; the special nature of competition in an industry requiring two-way access; and universal service, in particular, the use of engineering models to compute subsidies and the design of universal service auctions Авторы Жан-Жакьюз Лаффонт Jean-Jacques Laffont Жан Тироль Jean Tirole.  Davi   Ever   Micr   MartИздательство: The MIT Press, 2001 г Мягкая обложка, 336 стр ISBN 0262621509.

The Book of Digital Photography артикул 13131c.
The Book of Digital Photography артикул 13131c.

"The Book of Digital Photography" is a comprehensive, authoritative and inspirational guide to every aspect of modern picture taking in a single volume Combining the technical with the aesthetic, it covers in detail all the new equipment and digital-imaging tools with which today's photographers must be familiar, and takes a fresh ожадя look at the creative processes and skills required to take - and make - successful pictures Understand every aspect of your digital camera, from menu settings to the technology that makes it work Refresh your compositional skills and hone your technique to take advantage of the speed and flexibility of digital technology Get to grips with exciting modern camera features such as predictive autofocus, multi-pattern metering and programmed exposure Unleash your creativity with the in-depth coverage of traditional photographic skills, including shutter speed, aperture and other camera controls Set up your digital darkroom using the practical guide to computers and image-manipulation software With its combination of clarity and detail, photographers of all skill levels will quickly discover "The Book of Digital Photography" to be an indispensable companion Формат: 18,5 см x 25,5 см Иллюстрации Автор Chris George.  Фран   Прои   Beko   DiscИздательство: Ilex, 2006 г Мягкая обложка, 320 стр ISBN 978-1-904705-85-7, 1-904705-85-5 Язык: Английский Мелованная бумага, Цветные иллюстрации.

Фартовые бабочки артикул 13133c.
Фартовые бабочки артикул 13133c.

…Не убавляется забот у нашего старого знакомого - районного прокурора Антона Бирюкова И преступления, в которых приходится ему разбираться, становятся все изощреннее В публикуемых ожаей детективных повестях Михаила Черненка его герой со своей дружной командойс честью выходит из запутанных ситуаций Содержание Сиреневый туман (иллюстратор: Мыслин О Г ) Роман c 7-214 Фартовые бабочки (иллюстратор: Мыслин О Г ) Роман c 217-423 Автор Михаил Черненок.  8942   Seve   Удар   RenzСерия: Русский криминал.

Red Eagles: America's Secret MiGs артикул 13135c.
Red Eagles: America's Secret MiGs артикул 13135c.

"Red Eagles" tells the story of this squadron from the first tests of MiGs following the Vietnam War when the USAF had been woefully under-prepared in aerial combat These initial flights would develop into the "black" "Constant Peg" program At a secret air base in Nevada, ace American fighter pilots were presented ожаеу with a range of different MiG jets with a simple remit: to expose "the threat" to as many of their brethren as possible Maintaining and flying these "assets" without spare parts or manuals was an almost impossible task, putting those flying the MiGs in mortal danger on every flight Despite these challenges, in all more than 5900 American aircrews would train against America's secret MiGs, giving them the skills they needed to face the enemy in real combat situations For the first time, this book tells the story of "Constant Peg" in the words of the men who made it happen Формат издания: 16 см х 24 см Автор Steve Davies.  stud   Afro   Prin   МироИздательство: Osprey Publishing, 2008 г Суперобложка, 352 стр ISBN 978-1-84603-378-0 Язык: Английский.

Sex in the Hood артикул 13137c.
Sex in the Hood артикул 13137c.

The launching pad for this book is Washington's hypothesis that total organization of Black Americans is the precondition for their economic empowerment The author proposes a plan called TENYBI, the acronym for Ten-Year Black Initiative that will initially be spearheaded and underwritten by America's 851,000 Black-owned businesses Thus, ожаеъ Black America will have economic leadership as part of its leadership corps for the first in its over 135-year history The benefits to inure from TENYBI are reclamation of Black youth, a reduction of the deficit in higher education, and an increase in the number of businesses and total individual income A world-class National Black Monument in Washington, D C , will eternalize all Blacks in America since 1619 and their indispensability in the making of America.  Wind   Road   Mari   конс2005 г Мягкая обложка, 245 стр ISBN 1893196208.

Michael Jordan and the New Global Capitalism, New and Expanded Edition артикул 13139c.
Michael Jordan and the New Global Capitalism, New and Expanded Edition артикул 13139c.

Walter LaFeber's timely analysis looks at the ways that triumphant capitalism, coupled with high-tech telecommunications, is conquering the nations of the world, one mindone pair of feetat a time With Michael Jordan and the New GlobalCapitalism, Walter LaFeber has written a biography, a social history, and a far-ranging economic critique ожаею From basketball prodigy to international phenomenon to seductive commercial ideal, Michael Jordan is the supreme example of how American corporations have used technology in a brave, massively wired new world to sell their products in every corner of the globe LaFeber's examination of Nike and its particular dominion over the global marketplace is often scathing, while his fascinating mini-biography of Michael Jordan and the commercial history of basketball reveal much about American society For this new paperback edition, LaFeber has added a chapter on globalization in a changed world, after mass protests and since September 11 New Exp Su edition Автор Уолтер ЛаФибер Walter LaFeber.  Bozi   Слов   клуб   ЛитРИздательство: W W Norton & Company, Inc , 2002 г Мягкая обложка, 224 стр ISBN 0393323692.

Chagall: Love and Exile артикул 13141c.
Chagall: Love and Exile артикул 13141c.

"This is a masterly biography Jackie Wullschlager has a painter's eye, a historian's grasp of context and a novelist's pace and momentum She gives back to Chagall's paintings the sharpness and strangeness that they had for his contemporaries, and she makes the story of his life so gripping that I couldn't put the book down" Hilary Spurling ожажй Формат: 18,5 см x 24 см Автор Jackie Wullschlager.  ЛитР   Трои   Води   ГросИздательство: Penguin Books Ltd , 2008 г Суперобложка, 606 стр ISBN 978-0-713-99652-4 Язык: Английский.

Traffick : The Illicit Movement of People and Things артикул 13143c.
Traffick : The Illicit Movement of People and Things артикул 13143c.

Book DescriptionThis book explores the underbelly of globalisation -- the illicit networks of money, drugs, people and arms that make up a multi-billion dollar illegal economy This is the dangerous world of trafficking, identified by developed countries as the major threat to international order In their eyes, it brings unwanted and undocumented ожажп people into the hidden crevices of affluent societies; guns and drugs are exchanged for access to the global market through the backdoor As a result, trafficking is scrutinised, vilified, outlawed, even as free trade is celebrated Gargi Bhattacharyya argues that trafficking is the unacknowledged underside of globalisation The official economy relies on this illegal economy Without it, globalisationcannot access cheap labour, it cannot reach vulnerable new markets, and it cannot finance expansion into the places most ravaged by human suffering Traffick has become the secret basis of global expansion The book examines the workings of the illegal economy, breaking it down into four main sections: organised crime, drugs, arms and people-trafficking Exploring how we got here, and what the future holds, the issues it raises should interest a broad range of students across the social sciences.  Герш   Acad   Иллю   Соде2005 г ISBN 0745320473.

Close to the Sun: How Airbus Challenged America's Domination of the Skies артикул 13145c.
Close to the Sun: How Airbus Challenged America's Domination of the Skies артикул 13145c.

In Close to the Sun, veteran business journalist Stephen Aris tells the in-depth story of Airbus, the unique pan-European aerospace giant that over the past twenty-five yeras has come to challenge American preeminence in global aviation Close to the Sunis a dynamic portrait of one of the world's most important multi-national companies, detailing ожажь the high global politics and billion-dollar gambles behind Airbus's bid to become the world leader.  МГор   веду   Dixi   ЦыбуISBN 0972456244.

Life's Economic Wisdom артикул 13147c.
Life's Economic Wisdom артикул 13147c.

Book DescriptionLife's Economic Wisdom is about balancing your life, not your checkbook It is an essential guide to embracing the tried-and-true lessons our grandparents tried to teach our parents Some of the most important and fundamental lessons thatshape our lives and that of our children are rooted in a handful of economic principles about ожазч personal choice and behavior The lessons are not hard to understand, nor hard to implement They are not about the economy, they are about you.  Куца   Mast   Стер   моло2005 г ISBN 0976211017.

Воровская любовь Без Надежды артикул 13149c.
Воровская любовь Без Надежды артикул 13149c.

В жизни Константина Разина по прозвищу Знахарь вновь появляется женщина, а вместе с ней, казалось, появляется и надежда Но когда женщина, которую он полюбил, попадает в руки ФСБ, ожазя Знахарю приходится выбирать - любовь или свобода И какой бы выбор он ни сделал, надежды спастись у него нет Автор Б Седов.  Спир   Guar   Jean   MagnИздательство: Нева, 2004 г Мягкая обложка, 384 стр ISBN 5-7654-2989-0 Тираж: 8000 экз Формат: 70x90/32 (~113х165 мм).

The Return of Depression Economics артикул 13151c.
The Return of Depression Economics артикул 13151c.

Surely the Great Depression could never happen again Or could it? Today, the tragedy of the Great Depression looks gratuitous and unnecessary: Our economists and policy makers simply have gained too much experience since then It could never happen again Or could it? Over the course of the last two years, six Asian economies have experienced an economic ожаиз slump that bears an eerie resemblance to the Great Depression Russia defaulted on its debt in 1998 - an event that, halfway around the world, drove Brazilian interest rates through the roof and terrified the U S bond market Some of the brightest financiers in the world, working for the Long-Term Capital Corporation, thought they had the market licked only to find themselves in a jam that had all the makings of the overleveraged positions that caused the 1929 stock market crash Paul Krugman, one of the world's top economists, recounts these events and more: He points out that they raise significant questions for which policy makers may not have answers This paperback edition features a brand-new preface by Krugman on the financial realities of the past year Автор Пол Р Кругман Paul R Krugman.  OZON   Wind   Топо   InteИздательство: W W Norton & Company, Inc , 2000 г Мягкая обложка, 176 стр ISBN 0393320367 Язык: Английский.

The Rose That Grew From Concrete артикул 13153c.
The Rose That Grew From Concrete артикул 13153c.

His talent was unbounded, a raw force that commanded attention and respect His death was tragic - a violent homage to the power of his voice His legacy is indomitable - remaining vibrant and alive Here now, newly discovered, are Tupac's most honest and intimate thoughts conveyed through the pure art of poetry - a mirror into his enigmatic life and its ожаио many contradictions Written in his own hand at the age of nineteen, they embrace his spirit, his energy and his ultimate message of hope Автор Тупак Шакур Tupac Shakur.  Malc   Звон   Соло   автоИздательство: MTV, 1999 г Суперобложка, 176 стр ISBN 0671028448 Язык: Английский.

Les Stroganoff: Une dynastie de mecenes артикул 13155c.
Les Stroganoff: Une dynastie de mecenes артикул 13155c.

Cet ouvrage retrace l'histoire d'une dynastie hors du commun: celle des Stroganoff, mecenes et collectionneurs russes Parmi les nombreux chefs-d'oeuvre que les Stroganoff ont rassembles, le pan occidental des collections - tresors italiens, flamands, hollandais et franqais - est presente ici, avec une mise en lumiere particuliere du peintre ожаих Hubert Robert, ami fidele du mecene eclaire qu'etait, au XIII siecle, Alexandre Sergueievitch Stroganoff Outre les peintures et dessins, ce sont aussi quantite d'objets splendides, achetes ou commandes aux plus habiles artisans russes et etrangers, qui ont agremente les somptueux palais de cette grande famille de collectionneurs Cet ensemble prestigieux, qui s'est constitue au fil des siecles, est commente par les specialistes du musee de l'Ermitage, du Musee national Russe, des Archives historiques nationales et du Musee du palais de Pavlovsk Формат: 23 см x 30 см Иллюстрации.  Rene   Edga   Caro   НефеИздательства: Musee Carnavalet, Paris Musees, 2002 г Мягкая обложка, 180 стр ISBN 2-87900-601-5 Язык: Французский Мелованная бумага, Цветные иллюстрации.

Saint Petersburg and Its Environs Альбом артикул 13102c.
Saint Petersburg and Its Environs Альбом артикул 13102c.

Редакторы: Ирина Львова Ирина Харитонова From time immemorial, Saint Petersburg has stood out from other Russian cities In art, as in the social and everyday life of the city, European and Russian traditions have merged to create an entirely original phenomenon - the culture of Petersburg Surrounding ожабв the northern capital are a number of former imperial country estates, strung out like jewels on an exquisite necklace These are Peterhof, Tsarskoye Selo and Pavlovsk Each has its own inimitable charm Формат: 19,5 см x 15,5 см Иллюстрации.  Росс   Undi   Арцр   JerzИздательство: П-2, 2009 г Твердый переплет, 128 стр ISBN 978-5-93893-512-9 Язык: Английский Цветные иллюстрации.

Клубничка в два карата артикул 13104c.
Клубничка в два карата артикул 13104c.

С частным детективом Татьяной Ивановой случилась дурацкая история: бывший бойфренд Коля пришел и потребовал назад свою банку варенья Посетовав, как измельчали мужчины, Татьяна ожабз банку вернула, а потом села попить чайку с подругой Леной и обнаружила на дне похожей банки двенадцать бриллиантов Так вот что искал Коля! И, похоже, не только он: неизвестные похитили Колю и Лену и теперь шантажируют Татьяну Она бы и рада избавиться от камней, но они загадочным образом исчезли из тайника в Лениной квартире А тут еще объявился настоящий хозяин бриллиантов, которому сказали в милиции, что помочь ему сможет только Иванова - лучший частный детектив города Так что перед Татьяной стоит нелегкая задача: спасти друзей и найти драгоценные камни Автор Марина Серова.  Sifr   Fisk   рабо   ЮсупСерия: Русский бестселлер.

Основы менеджмента Учебник артикул 13106c.
Основы менеджмента Учебник артикул 13106c.

Пособие содержит рекомендации для изучающих основы управленческой теории в вузах, колледжах, техникумах Может быть полезным для начинающих в этой области: преподавателей, ожабс учащихся старших классов средних школ и лиц, желающих самостоятельно овладеть навыками в области управления Желаем Вам успешного обучения Автор Владимир Веснин.  Park   Soul   Hits   SPORИздательство: ТД Элит-2000 Твердый переплет, 442 стр ISBN 5-94126-004-0 Тираж: 3000 экз Формат: 60x88/16 (~150x210 мм).

The New Public Management: Improving Research and Policy Dialogue (Wildavsky Forum Series) артикул 13108c.
The New Public Management: Improving Research and Policy Dialogue (Wildavsky Forum Series) артикул 13108c.

How policymakers should guide, manage, and oversee public bureaucracies is a question that lies at the heart of contemporary debates about government and public administration In their search for better systems of public management, reformers have looked in particular at the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand These countries are exemplars ожабч of the New Public Management, a term used to describe distinctive new themes, styles, and patterns of public service management Calling for public managementto become a vibrant field of public policy, this valuable book consolidates recent work on the New Public Management and provides a basis for improving research and policy debate on managing public bureaucracies A copublication with the Russell Sage Foundation.  Mari   Vino   Cafe   GabrISBN 0520224434.

Building Local States: China During the Republican and Post-Mao Eras (HARVARD EAST ASIAN MONOGRAPHS) артикул 13110c.
Building Local States: China During the Republican and Post-Mao Eras (HARVARD EAST ASIAN MONOGRAPHS) артикул 13110c.

This book examines two eras of Chinese history that have commonly been viewed as periods of state disintegration or retreat And they were--at the central level When re-examined at the local level, however, both are revealed as periods of state building In both the Nanjing decade of Guomindang rule (1927-1937) and the early post-Mao reform era (1980-1992), ожавб both national and local factors shaped local state building and created variations in local state structures and practices This book focuses onone key area of the state, taxation and public finance, to trace the processes of local state building in these two eras Using the records of local tax and finance offices in the Tianjin area and in Guangdong province, the author maps the process by which these county-level offices grew This book highlights variation in local state structures and practices between localities and between the central and local governments As the author shows, this variation is important because it results in regional differences in state-society relations and affects central state capacity in terms of the local state's ability to implement central state policies as well as its own.  серт   Myth   Stan   PerpISBN 0674013980.

Balancing Act: Washington's Troubled Path to a Balanced Budget артикул 13112c.
Balancing Act: Washington's Troubled Path to a Balanced Budget артикул 13112c.

"A compelling book on budget-balancing, past and present Not only is it a useful historical reference work but it is amazingly relevant to today's headlines " --Business Week Why did it take twenty-five years to balance the federal budget? And why did that goal seem politically impossible up until the last possible moment? Why hasn't ожавж the nation achieved a single budget surplus since 1969? Why did the first Republican Congress since the 1950s fail so miserably to redeem its most important promise tovoters? In Balancing Act, George Hager and Eric Pianin, two of the country's top political journalists, provide fascinating answers The question of the deficit is the reigning obsession of modern politics Never simply a quarrel over numbers, the deficit has always been a moral issue as well as a fiscal one--a bitter fight to the political death over competing ideas about the right to shape the nation's values and to proclaim publicly what those values are Bringing key political players like Newt Gingrich, Bill Clinton, Ronald Reagan, and George Mitchell vividly to life, Hager and Pianin provide a gripping and revealing look at what goes on behind the closed doors of Capitol Hill "Vivid provocative rich in anecdote and drama, [Balancing Act] is a useful primer on the history of deficit spending" --Los Angeles Times.  Tran   книг   Creo   DonaISBN 0679756078.

The Devolution Revolution Can the States Afford Devolution? артикул 13114c.
The Devolution Revolution Can the States Afford Devolution? артикул 13114c.

One underlying premise of the move toward devolution is that states are more capable of successfully managing various tasks than the federal government because they are better able to adapt to the particular challenges within their borders The resourcesavailable to states to carry out those duties, however, are also limited to their ability ожавй to raise revenues from their own residents In this report, Harold A Hovey explores the constraints that states face in collecting taxes and assesses which states are best and least prepared to finance any added responsibilities Among the forces Hovey examines that affect state fiscal capacity: competitive pressures among states to keep taxes low, tax systems that may or may not collect revenue at the same ratethat incomes rise, the impact of local and national economic cycles, the economic resources within each state, and mismatches between revenues and needs.  LEGO   Ткал   впер   RogeISBN 0870784250.

Elite MBA Programs at Public Universities : How a Dozen Innovative Schools Are Redefining Business Education артикул 13116c.
Elite MBA Programs at Public Universities : How a Dozen Innovative Schools Are Redefining Business Education артикул 13116c.

Book DescriptionBusiness education programs should practice what they preach: applying the principles of strategic analysis to play to their strengths and develop distinctive offerings that attract the most profitable "customers"--in this case, students,faculty, and the communities and institutions that support them financially ожавм With the costs of private MBA programs skyrocketing, public universities--which operate out of the spotlight of the Harvards and Whartons--have a tremendous opportunity to distinguish themselves as centers of innovative, high-quality education Mimi Wolverton and Larry Penley conducted extensive research to identify the qualities of those public institutions across the country--from the University of Washington to Georgia Tech--that have successfully established competitive advantages, generally through a combination of cost leadership, differentiation, and focus The book features 12 in-depth case studies, written by senior representatives from the respective schools They offer unique insights into the strategies they employed--from developing strategic alliances with local businesses and complementary departments to establishing online and overseas courses The result is a fascinating peek behind the scenes at the most innovative MBA programs, as well as a rich canvas for observing the principles of strategic management in action.  Jame   Алек   Cher   Isaa2004 г 264 стр ISBN 0275978117.

Виновных в криминале нет Книга 1 артикул 13118c.
Виновных в криминале нет Книга 1 артикул 13118c.

Мир за колючей проволокой Странный, страшный мир, живущий по своим собственным жестоким законам Мир со своей иерархией, со своей системой ценностей Мир, в котором идет постоянная ожавп война между зеками и `начальниками` И для каждой зоны на сходках избираются свои `смотрящие` - те, кто на вверенной им территории будет следить за исполнением воровского закона На первый взгляд - просто заключенные, в действительности они будут обладать огромной властью Автор Владимир Шитов Владимир Шитов родился в 1942 году в городе Пугачеве Саратовской области Окончил Московский юридический институт и спецшколу МВД Восемнадцать лет проработал в правоохранительных органах, пройдя путь от сотрудника уголовного розыска до старшего.  Херл   Etni   Diam   HarrИздательство: АСТ Мягкая обложка, 288 стр ISBN 5-17-007649-5 Тираж: 5000 экз Формат: 70x90/32 (~113х165 мм).

Бесы в погонах Праведник артикул 13120c.
Бесы в погонах Праведник артикул 13120c.

В Усть-Кудеяре неспокойно Здесь правят бал обнаглевшие отморозки, связанные с коррумпированными ментами Начальник PУБОПa, майор Пасюк, напавший на след местной мафии, сам ожавъ объявлен в розыск Священник отец Василий, как истинный христианин, преисполнен смирения Но даже его ангельскому терпению приходит конец, когда пастырю угрожают расправой прямо в божьем храме Местным бандитам и их ментовской `крыше` и в голову не придет, на что способен бывший спецназовец, как он беспощаден к бесам, вселившимся в слабые души грешников Особенно к бесам в погонах Автор Михаил Серегин.  Alex   Aqua   Gmax   AndrИздательство: Эксмо-Пресс, 2002 г Твердый переплет, 416 стр ISBN 5-04-010397-2 Тираж: 15000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

The Decline of the Welfare State : Demography and Globalization (CESifo Book Series) артикул 13122c.
The Decline of the Welfare State : Demography and Globalization (CESifo Book Series) артикул 13122c.

Book DescriptionIn The Decline of the Welfare State, Assaf Razin and Efraim Sadka use a political economy framework to analyze the effects of aging populations, migration, and globalization on the deteriorating system of financing welfare state benefits as we know them Their timely analysis, supported by a unified theoretical framework and ожавя empirical findings, demonstrates how the combined forces of demographic change and globalization will make it impossible for the welfare state to maintain itself on its present scale In much of the developed world, the proportion of the population aged 60 and over is expected to rise dramatically over the coming years -- from 35 percent in 2000 to a projected 66 percent in 2050 in the European Union and from 27 percent to 47 percent in the United States -- which may necessitate higher tax burdens and greater public debt to maintain national pension systems at current levels Low-skill migration produces additional strains on welfare-state financing because such migrants typically receive benefits that exceed what they pay in taxes Higher capital taxation, which could potentially be used to finance welfare benefits, is made unlikely by international tax competition brought about by globalization of the capital market Applying a political economy model and drawing on empirical data from the EU and the United States, the authors draw an unconventional and provocative conclusion from these developments They argue that the political pressure from both aging and migrant populations indirectly generates political processes that favor trimming rather than expanding the welfare state The combined pressures of aging, migration, and globalization will shift the balance of political power and generate public support from the majority of the voting population for cutting back traditional welfare state benefits.  Tato   Kary   спас   Заре2005 г ISBN 0262182440.

Путана: Маркиза из стриптиза артикул 13124c.
Путана: Маркиза из стриптиза артикул 13124c.

Подругу уже убили, значит, скоро доберутся и до нее Стриптизерша по прозвищу Маркиза знает эту публику - липкие клиенты, наглые рэкетиры, уголовники всех мастей Таким убить - ожадб раз плюнуть Тем более им Маркиза что кость в горле А раз так, значит, надо узнать, кто грохнул подружку, и грохнуть его Или их Маркизе по барабану, сколько их там Захочешь жить, еще не то сделаешь Автор Михаил Серегин.  крас   9056   Arts   03-1Издательство: Эксмо-Пресс, 2002 г Твердый переплет, 416 стр ISBN 5-04-009378-0 Тираж: 8000 экз Формат: 84x108/32 (~130х205 мм).

Marshall's Tendencies: What Can Economists Know? (Gaston Eyskens Lectures) артикул 13126c.
Marshall's Tendencies: What Can Economists Know? (Gaston Eyskens Lectures) артикул 13126c.

The world of economics is a complicated and messy place Yet modern economic analysis rests on an attempt to represent the world by means of simple mathematical models To what extent is this possible? How can such a program cope with the fact that economic outcomes are often driven by factors that are notoriously difficult to quantify? Can such mathematical ожаде modeling lead us to theories that work? In these lectures, John Sutton explores what he calls the "standard paradigm" that lies at the heart of economic model building, whose roots go back a century to the work of Alfred Marshall In probing the strengths and limitations of this paradigm, he looks at some of the remarkable successes, as well as deep disappointments, that have flowed from it For sales in Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg, contact Leuven University Press at fax (+32)16/32 53 52 or universitaire pers@upers kuleuven ac be.  Щерб   Exce   Добр   SvagISBN 0262194422.

Resilience at Work: How to Succeed No Matter What Life Throws at You артикул 13128c.
Resilience at Work: How to Succeed No Matter What Life Throws at You артикул 13128c.

According to a recent issue of the Harvard Business Review, more than experience or training, it's a person's level of resilience in the face of stressful circumstances that will determine whether he succeeds or fails Resilience at Work gives readers the courage and determination to face stressful problems instead of denying or avoiding them ожадс Readers will learn proven techniques for: Increasing positive attitudes like commitment, control, and challenge, while decreasing those of isolation, powerlessness, and threat Developing patterns of support based on giving and getting assistance Luckily, resilience is not simply an ability one is born with, but a skill anyone can learn and improve Resilience at Work gives readers the motivation and tools to work constructively and remain hardy through difficult situations, and turn stressful changes in the workplace into golden opportunities Формат: 15,5 см x 23,5 см Авторы Deborah M Khoshaba Сальваторе Мадди Salvatore R Maddi.  слов   Mich   Garm   CracИздательство: AMACOM/American Management Association, 2005 г Суперобложка, 224 стр ISBN 0-8144-7260-5 Язык: Английский.

A Radical Transformation of the European Economy: The New Economy in the Us Europe and Japan артикул 13130c.
A Radical Transformation of the European Economy: The New Economy in the Us Europe and Japan артикул 13130c.

Europe grew rapidly for many years, but now, faced with greater challenges, several of the large economies in Europe have either failed to generate enough jobs or have failed to achieve the highest levels of productivity or both This study explores why Europe's growth slowed, what contribution information technology makes to growth, and what ожады policies could facilitate economic transformation It emphasizes a system with strong work incentives and a high level of competitive intensity Europe doesn't needto eliminate its protections for individuals, the authors conclude, but both social programs and policies toward business must be reoriented so that they encourage economic change.  хоро   полю   Silv   BrotISBN 0881323438.

How to Prepare for the AP Microeconomics/Macroeconomics (Barron's How to Prepare for the AP Macro/Micro Economics) артикул 13132c.
How to Prepare for the AP Microeconomics/Macroeconomics (Barron's How to Prepare for the AP Macro/Micro Economics) артикул 13132c.

Presented in this updated manual are two full-length practice tests—including one all-new macroeconomics test—with all questions answered and explained Students will also find an extensive review of all AP test topics, which include economicsystems, demand and supply, theory of consumer choice, economics in the public sector, costs, ожаеб product markets, perfect and imperfect competition, monopolies, labor resources, the national income and gross domestic product, inflation and unemployment, fiscl policy, money and banking, monetary policy, determinants of economic growth, and international trade and exchange Added new sections in this edition include game theory, Giffen goods, money demand, interest rate determination, and potential GDP 2 edition Авторы Франк Мюсгрэв Frank Musgrave Элиа Касапьер Elia Kacapyr.  цвет   Осип   Para   1815Издательство: Barron's Educational Series, 2005 г Мягкая обложка, 336 стр ISBN 0764133616.

Interrogation Machine: Laibach and NSK (Short Circuits) артикул 13134c.
Interrogation Machine: Laibach and NSK (Short Circuits) артикул 13134c.

NSK is considered by many to be the last true avant-garde of the twentieth century and the most consistently challenging artistic force in Eastern Europe today The acronym refers to Neue Slowenische Kunst, a Slovene collective that emerged in the wake of Tito's death and was shaped by the breakup of Yugoslavia Its complex and disturbing work -- in ожаеп fields including experimental music and theater, painting, philosophy, writing, performance, and design -- has an international following buta powerful and specific cultural context Within the NSK organization are a number of divisions, the best-known of which is Laibach, an alternative music group known for its blending of popular culture with subversive politics, high art with underground provocation -- reflecting the political and cultural chaos of its time In Interrogation Machine, Alexei Monroe offers the first critical appraisal of the entire NSK phenomenon, from its elaborate organizational structure and its internal logics to its controversial public actions The result is a fascinating portrait not only of NSK but of the complex political and cultural context within which it operates Monroe analyzes the paradoxes, perplexities, and traumas of NSK's work at its deepest levels His investigation of the relationships between conceptual content, stylistic method, and ideological subtext demonstrates the relevance of NSK in general and Laibach in particular to current debates about culture, power, war, politics, globalization, the marketplace, and life itself As Slavoj Zizek writes in his foreword, "Today, the lesson of Laibach is more pertinent than ever " Monroe uses a variety of theoretical and historical approaches, as is appropriate to the shifting and elusive nature of his subject The use of theory reflects NSK's own theoretical engagement; it is also a valuable way to read the issues raised by the work Neither oversimplifying nor uncritically mystifying, Monroe leaves intact the "gaps, contradictions, and shadows" inherent in his subject, demonstrating that "it should still be possible to appreciate the work as art that moves, confuses, agitates, or fascinates " Авторы Алексей Монро Alexei Monroe Славой Жижек Славой Жижек родился 21 марта 1949 года в Любляне (Словения) Учился на философском факультете Люблянского университета С 1979 по 1989 год работал научным сотрудником Института социологии и философии, потом перешел на философский факультет университета.  Geni   OPEL   Blau   PENNИздательство: The MIT Press, 2005 г Мягкая обложка, 400 стр ISBN 0262633159.

На зоне артикул 13136c.
На зоне артикул 13136c.

Варяг - вор в законе Причем из самых-самых, недаром числится главным смотрящим России А в России снова перемены, борьба за власть идет на всех уровнях, как в правительстве, так ожаеч и в криминале Негоже смотрящему России в такое время париться в американской тюряге Варяг возвращается на родину А здесь - круто, надежных корешей почти не осталось, предателей - пруд пруди, жаждущих его крови не меньше Хоть и силен матерый смотрящий, но враги сумели упечь его в `сучью` зону Теперь, мол, Варягу крышка Не учли только его звериного чутья на опасность, его железную волю и презрение к смерти Такого зоной не сломаешь, скорее он сам ее `разморозит` Автор Евгений Сухов.  язык   Буха   Сост   демоСерия: Я - вор в законе.

Strategic Legal Writing артикул 13138c.
Strategic Legal Writing артикул 13138c.

There are many legal writing texts that emphasize how one writes; this book is unique because it focuses on why one writes Every chapter challenges the reader to write in a way that will be most effective in achieving a strategic objective Each assignment has been carefully considered by the authors and fully vetted to simulate for the reader the type ожаеь of decision-making involved in the preparation of important legal writing, whether in a general counsel's office, a law office, a U S Attorney's office, or a judge's chambers Simply put, the authors' approach is that effective legal writing does not exist in a vacuum This book provides practical assignments that teach the student how the best legal writing is not an end in itself, but a means to achieving a larger strategic objective Формат: 15,5 см x 23 cм Авторы Evan J Roth Donald N Zillman.  Щерб   увед   серт   FranИздательство: Cambridge University Press, 2008 г Мягкая обложка, 240 стр ISBN 978-0-521-70343-7 Язык: Английский.

Бриллиантовый ошейник артикул 13140c.
Бриллиантовый ошейник артикул 13140c.

Одного удара частного сыщика Коли Самолюбова обычно хватало, чтобы свалить "быка", будь он даже не четырех копытах И пока братки из джипа месили охранника ветеринарной ожажа клиники, Коля не вмешивался Но когда они стали запихивать в багажник девушку, он не выдержал Спасенная девушка оказалась сотрудницей клиники Она и поведала, что на их клинику наезжают братки авторитета Гнутого, которому нужны собаки, проходящие лечение Пришлось Коле выяснять, для чего Оказалось, что с помощью собак авторитет переправляет через границу контрабандные брюлики, которые вшиваются им под шерсть И надо же такому случится - пропало несколько камней из очередной партии….  Низо   рома   Goin   Ауди2007 г 320 стр ISBN 978-5-699-22300-8 Формат: 70x90/32 (~113х165 мм).

Internet English, World Wide Web, Ecommerce, and International Trade: The New Universal Language артикул 13142c.
Internet English, World Wide Web, Ecommerce, and International Trade: The New Universal Language артикул 13142c.

This is the definitive text on Internet English, the new universal language for International Trade and eCommerce! In addition, it specifies email and home page information for participation in future editions of the text Internet English is the open source universal language, with every user in eCommerce a potential contributor to change and ожажн growth of the language Every marketing group in worldwide trade will use Internet English to insure that buyers in every nation will understand their sales message Be a part of the eCommerce conducted in the one language understood in every nation—Internet English.  рабо   Herb   Руби   СодеISBN 0595099815.

Алиса в Стране чудес (в комплекте из 15 книг) артикул 13144c.
Алиса в Стране чудес (в комплекте из 15 книг) артикул 13144c.

В книгу вошли всемирно известные сказочные повести английского писателя, математика и философа Льюиса Кэрролла "Приключения Алисы в Стране чудес" и "Алиса в Зазеркалье" Обе ожажъ сказки представлены в переводе Н М Демуровой, который уже более полувека считается одним из лучших и по праву принадлежит к классике мировой литературы Содержание Приключения Алисы в Стране чудес (переводчик: Нина Демурова) Повесть c 9-162 Сквозь зеркало и что там увидела Алиса, или Алиса в Зазеркалье (переводчик: Нина Демурова) Повесть c 163-337 Автор Льюис Кэрролл Lewis Carroll Родился в Дейрсбери, графство Чешир, в семье священника В 1851 году окончил Оксфорд, где впоследствии (1855-1881) занимал должность профессора математики Перу Кэрролла принадлежит ряд математических работ, в том числе "Евклид и его современные.  меся   чита   теат   FlyiСерия: Школьная библиотека Старшие классы Комплект.

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland Through the Looking-Glass and What Alice Found There.
Economic Logic артикул 13146c.
Economic Logic артикул 13146c.

Economic Logic is a revolutionary free-market textbook, focusing on micro-economics The textbook begins with the profit-loss statement, for example Each chapter is supported with real world examples, biographies of pertinent economists and recommended reading It covers supply and demand, monopoly and competition, factors of production, ожазм stock and bond markets, prices and output, and definitions of economics Macro-economic, government policy and future of economics textbooks (Economic Logic Parts II, III and IV) are forthcoming A perfect textbook for professors and students of community colleges, preparatory high schools, universities and colleges, home schoolers and professionals interested in the real forces that drive business and the economy.  Скво   Nige   Rajn   СодеISBN 0895262169.

Sukhoi S-37 and Mikoyan MFI: Russian Fifth-Generation Fighter Demonstrators артикул 13148c.
Sukhoi S-37 and Mikoyan MFI: Russian Fifth-Generation Fighter Demonstrators артикул 13148c.

Переводчик: Дмитрий Комиссаров Conceived in the early 1980s to ease the threat posed by the American ATF program, these fighters were developed as the Soviet Union's fifth-generation fighters This book gives a detailed account of how Russia's two leading fighter aircraft designers competed for the order and how ожазю a third contender never made it to the hardware stage It deals with the way these aircraft were conceived, designed, built, and flown Иллюстрации Автор Ефим Гордон.  Wink   Шенк   Mari   ЯковСерия: Red Star.

Tupolev Tu-160 Blackjack: Russia's Answer to the B-1 артикул 13150c.
Tupolev Tu-160 Blackjack: Russia's Answer to the B-1 артикул 13150c.

Переводчик: Дмитрий Комиссаров The book gives the full story of how the Soviet Union's most potent strategic bomber, the Tupolev Tu-160 (known to the Western world as the Blackjack) was designed, built and put into operational service The author reveals many unknown aspects of the Tu-160 story, including the development ожаиж tender in which many of the Soviet Union's top-class aircraft design companies participated The book is richly illustrated with color photos, many of which were taken at the Long-Range Aviation base in Engels which is home to the Russian Air Force's Tu-160s The book is all the more interesting since Russia is now resuming production of the Tu-160 to bolster its strategic potential in order to offset the reduction in ballistic missiles Иллюстрации Автор Ефим Гордон.  Fina   Sabb   писа   MirrСерия: Red Star.

Economic Botany: Principles and Practices артикул 13152c.
Economic Botany: Principles and Practices артикул 13152c.

Unlike most books on economic botany this is not an encyclopedic listing of plants and their uses Instead it is an attempt at understanding why plants are used Economic botany is a multidisciplinary study and the purpose of this book is to provide an introduction to some of the scientific principles, processes, and practices involved The subjects ожаин discussed include the role of economic and ethnobotany, plant collecting, taxonomy and nomenclature, the environment and the physiological, morphological andanatomical adaptations of the plant thereto, plant conservation, plant breeding and propagation, the marketing of crops and crop products, basic human and animal nutrition, human and animal foods, desirable insect foods, timber and wood products, fuel, fibres, biochemicals, human and veterinary medicine, plant toxins, lower plants and their products, the role of plants in ameliorating the environment, and the social uses of plants it is hoped that this book will appeal to both the student and practitioner, irrespective of their primary discipline.  With   Silv   Silv   SilvISBN 0792367812.

Ecosystems And Sustainable Development (Advances in Ecological Sciences) артикул 13154c.
Ecosystems And Sustainable Development (Advances in Ecological Sciences) артикул 13154c.

Beyond the specific dimension of the individual, learning is a primary characteristic of life Shifting our attention to local systems we can consider ecosystems and traditional communities as learning 'minds', according with Bateson's thought We call environmental wisdom the explicit knowledge that emerges from long periods of co-evolution ожаиу of people and nature in local systems, cast in the same lot Environmental wisdom rises both from trial-and-error and from more subtle kinds of knowledge, involving aesthetic and intuition It sediments as tradition or religion and deeply contribute to landscapes creation, keeping ecosystems and humans alive together It is our belief, that in order to survive, local communities should re-connect themselves with their biological basis As a first option we need to pay new attention to our boundaries: not to avoid contacts, exchanges, cross-fertilization with other people and other lands, but to reduce the impact of globalization and to retain cultural biodiversity Only a network of self-centred communicating communities can provide a sufficient basis of diversity to achieve long-term sustainability We believe we are living a moment of general crisis, a re-learning transition period that is inherently uncertain, and therefore we have to enlarge our cultural and technological basis, avoiding homogenization as the primary source of fragility This book contains the proceedings from the fifth International Conference on Ecosystems and Sustainable Development With over 70 contributions divided into sections such as: Biodiversity; Conservation and management of ecological areas; Environmental and ecological policies; Natural resources management; Recovery of damaged areas and Remote sensing.  Eliz   Аник   Иллю   XVII2005 г Твердый переплет, 755 стр ISBN 1845640136.

Golden Russia: Treasures of the Moscow Kremlin артикул 13156c.
Golden Russia: Treasures of the Moscow Kremlin артикул 13156c.

In their vast history, the Russian people and culture have made an essential and vital contribution to the world of arts The Moscow Kremlin, with its grand architecture and extraordinary boldness of vision, is one of the world's most famous traditional palaces Formerly the residence of the Russian tsars, it is now numbered among history's marvels, ожаиш a treasure house of Russian art and culture "Golden Russia: Treasures of the Moscow Kremlin" is the first exhibition of Russian precious artifacts to be displayed at the Palace Museum, presenting 200 exemplary works from the rich collection of the Moscow Kremlin Museums It primarily focuses on Russian palace life in the period from the 16thcentury to the early 20thcentury The exhibits include various utensils, costume, weapons, portraits, and sacred Eastern Orthodox objects, representing the luxurious life of the Russian tsars In honor of the Russia Year in China and the 200th Anniversary of the Moscow Kremlin Museums, the Moscow Kremlin Museums and the Palace Museum have collaborated in producing "Golden Russia: Treasures of the Moscow Kremlin", an impressive achievement of the cultural exchange between the two nations Иллюстрации.  tuchkas   Thin   реда   Издательство: Forbidden City Publishing House, 2006 г Твердый переплет, 2006 стр ISBN 7-80047-604-9 Языки: Китайский, Английский Формат: 230x310 Мелованная бумага, Цветные иллюстрации.

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