The Nenets Autonomous District Путеводитель артикул 13125c.
The Nenets Autonomous District Путеводитель артикул 13125c.

Contents: "Visiting card" of the district Tourism in the region Before departure Interior transportatoin Natural conditions History of the pechora land Economy Peoples and traditions What is what Who is who Naryan-mar Kanin tundra Timan tundra Malozemelskaya tundra Nizhnepechorye Bolshezemelskaya tundra Yugorsky peninsula ожадд Vaigach Kolguyev Fishing and hunting Alphabetical index First Edition Авторы Мишель Строгов Michel Strogoff Пьер-Кристиан Броше Pierre-Christian Brochet Доминик Озиас Dominique Auzias.  ПодарочнаяСерия: Country Guide.